*~* 我知道你和我就像是豆浆油条 要一起吃下去味道才会是最好 你需要我的傻笑我需要你的拥抱 爱情就需要这样它才不会单调 *~*

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Semester.. New Experience..

Today, oritentation in MM.. good experience.. hopefully.. will start work at ChatterBox on 11th onwards.. 3pm to report.. woo.. hehe

well, my angel msged me.. hmm.. good or bad.. i'm not too sure.. hopefully wad she meant is true.. but then, how many truth had she uphold towards me? haha.. dun care la eh? not too sure why i still trust her so much.. maybe i love her too much... hai

well, my baby cow went back to indo today.. i'm sad..will definitely miss my crazy baby.. lolx..

okay.. will log now.. and well, i still do miss her.. i hope she's missing me too..

righton~! work hard!
Married to MM, starting 10April2006.. lol

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Who know how my heart cries?

Ya.. i'm sad.. sad beyond words.. classmates are enjoying themselves, cheering their over of anymore theory papers, exams and tests.. some went on holidays.. other have their significant others to accompany.. most have friends.. wad do i have? i just wish for a gal to love me, cherish me, and appriciate me.. and i'm just dreaming..

I do not wish for u to be with me 24/7, nor simply tag along with me.. i just wan to know IF you really love me.. and that will be enough.. i just wan YOU to say that you love me, and will be the one for me.. but, its just hopeful wish..

Yes, i appriciate you.. but i feel like you're using me.. i should not have such thoughts.. but its been almost ONE long year since i got to know you.. our dates were being cancelled, postponed, missed and what not.. i'm not a person who want you to be with me everyday.. each of us got our own friends.. but, sometimes, you need to spend time with the other party..

i do not really know whether you do love me.. you said you want to.. but.. only God knows.. there're times where i feel i should not continue loving you.. but i told everyone i should've give u chance. but chance after chance, after my heart cries more countless times.. i'm still crying.. deep inside my heart..

really, now i'm looking forward to my internship.. maybe that's when i will truely forget abt you.. only God knows..

you're the first gal.. first who make me so heart crying.. and the first who make me so alive.. we've not even start, yet i'm thinking of giving up.. its coz of all the waiting.. someday, i could not wait anylonger.. and that day, i know is approaching soon...

i know i should not blame God, but fate is pushing me.. towards a wall.. towards an empty room.. i feel no love.. no love.. nothing.. empty..

Sometimes i just want to scold you out loud, but everytime i control myself.. though i think of scolding, i always uses nicer words to you.. why.. i've no heart to scold someone i so love, someone i feel so dear to me...

but.. its not reciprocrated..

only God knows when..
and may Fate be with me.. and her..

signing off..
crying in the heart

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Well, sorry i did not post for like how many months.. but i will blog after my exams.. i promise.. lolx..

i still love my fairy..



Thursday, August 18, 2005

quitting my job

yes.. i'm gonna quit my $7 per hour parttime job.. i just dun feel that i'm able to cope studies and work together this semester.. everyday 8+ starts lesson till ard 6pm.. then need to rush to work from 7-11pm.. reach home 12+.. haiz.. i just can't take it..

this coming sat will be my last day at work.. =D
i will miss the place.. its really a nice place to work..

now.. FQ.. haha.. well, bought her some choco today.. lolx.. she told me not to spend $$ on her!!! -.-''

hmmm.. wad it means? not too sure.. haiz.. i should not be thinking too much..

well, cheers
take care all!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

oh damn.. lucky


Well, i'm supposed to catch a movie with her on sat.. but then due to some project work on her side and maybe abit on mine, she involunterily postponed it.. lolx..

and i thought i wasn't supposed to be scheduled for work on sat.. damn.. came 7.45pm, a call came.. "Lian, u know ur scheduled for work today?" i was like OH FUG!! lucky i was near home.. wth.. meow..

its damn tiring working there with this timetable.. next week might be my last.. its fun and exciting working there.. the collegues are nice.. but i will not let my grade suffer and let my best fren Bok down~ eh bok eh? leaving me in the bachelor's club all alone.. lolx!!

okie, we will surely have chance to catch a movie..
*hugs my fairy*