*~* 我知道你和我就像是豆浆油条 要一起吃下去味道才会是最好 你需要我的傻笑我需要你的拥抱 爱情就需要这样它才不会单调 *~*

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Happy Birthday Matthew

Can't celebrate ur bday with you for the next 4 years.. hopefully you do not need me next time too!! lolz.. be quick.. ask her if she will really wait for you not.. but do not put too much hope there even if she says yes.. gals.. are always gals.. most are materistic and looks matter to them XD

take carez..

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Love Me

Love Me - Colin Raye

I read a note my grandma wrote
Back in 1923
Grandpa kept it in his coat
And he showed it once to me
He said boy you might not understand
But a long long time ago
Grandma's daddy didn't like me none
But I loved your grandma so

We had this crazy plan to meet
And run away together
Get married in the first town we came to
And live forever
But nailed to the tree where we were
Supposed to meet instead
I found this letter and this is what it said

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then
Till I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love me

I read those words just hours before
My grandma passed away
In the doorway of the church
When me and grandpa stopped to pray
I know I'd never seen him cry
All my 15 years
But as he said these words to her
His eyes filled up with tears

If you get there before I do
Don't give up on me
I'll meet you when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But I'm not gonna let you down
Darling wait and see
And between now and then
Till I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love me

Between now and then till I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love me

makes me wanna cry..
the song soooo nice..
Will somebody ever do the same to me?
Love Me..

Saturday, April 23, 2005

something before i go to work..

hmm.. heard that FQ got a bf.. i think i know who also.. can guess ba.. haha.. RLim ah.. u no need tell me i also know.. lolz..

btw, actually i did not feel that sad.. lolz.. coz i still can't forget abt her.. damn.. but wad to do? lolz..

now is the time to chiong studies and get excellent grades liao loR.. hehe.. hopefully someone can sponsor me part-time degree course during my 1 year attachment leh!! or when i strike toto/4d or big sweep!! lolz..

yup yup... happy belated bday MuiLeng.. (aka ML) haha.. well, i did sms u liao so.. keke..

tat's all ba.. i'm not feeling quite well actually.. hope can pull through today's work.. me like having a big flu bug coming..

going work le..
bb all
take careZ N God Bless!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

hmm.. nice guy eh?

Something interesting happened today.. it changes my mindset on somethings..

Well, after work today, i took a cab back home with Tim (well, he's doing full shift and feeling tired, wanted to go back home fast).. after dropping Tim off at his place, i proceed back to my place.. meanwhile, i remembered i left my other $10 in the vest.. i forget to put it back into my wallet.. so i asked the cab driver to kindly drop me at the atm near my place..

i rushed down the cab when reached the atm.. in front of me was 3 guys waiting, the first guy went off then the 2nd guy (whose friend is the 3rd guy) went to use the atm.. then the 3rd guy mentioned to me, asking me to go ahead of him first!! he was asking if the cab was waiting for me, then i said "ya".. his reaction was 'go ahead, else the fare will be expensive'.. i was like 'wow!'

i overhead his friend asking why he let me overtake him, then he explained.. nice guy.. well i'm not racist.. but i must mention that this guy is a malay.. =)

makes my day wow.. even though is late now =P

okie.. i did thanks him.. if you people are wondering.. haha!!

FQ msg'ed me today.. hmm.. =P
should i ask her out? hehe..
or should i not.. hmm
well.. i quite broke now..
hmm.. dilemma.. lolz

okie.. tat's all..
nite blog
God Bless all
bo0z off.

Monday, April 18, 2005

ooPs i diD not posT..

haha.. i did not post anything for the past week!! wow!! lazy? tired? dunno..

well, there's nothing really brilliant in my life now.. really.. maybe i should forgo thinking of trying to start a relationship!! haha.. as my fren said "When a guy grew older, and if he's still a bachelor, he's value will become more, ie. worthier.." <-- i wonders if its really true..

haha.. ok, maybe i still can't forget.. really.. but wad can i do? she does not like me.. plain and simple.. i can't simply force her right?! anyway, i'm such the person that if the other party is happy, i will feel good for them..

JQ, relationships are hard.. however i wish you all the best with your korean ger.. =)

anyone got forwarded sms'es please send me.. lol.. i need some badly!!

maybe tat's all for now.. be back soon..
sign off.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

ah.. weekend again

another week have pass.. 2 weeks down 11 more weeks to go at OCBC!! wahaha.. i miss school..

anyway, i got back my desktop already.. you will be seeing me 24/7 soon (i hope so) once i got another router.. damn.. my old router is mad.. keeps getting d/c at nite.. haha..

anyway, click on any of the advertistments.. the more the better.. i hope it would help me to pay for my school fees in time to come!! lolz..

tat's all ba.. cheers

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

a DaY..

haha, forced to post by my dear matt.. okie, we're not gays, we're just very good friends who are now miles apart in two different continents and seperated by the huge pacific ocean and some seas..

as ususal, i played my turns in the game Earth:2025.. lolz.. then i went to sch to pay my school fees N find 2 people to give my books to.. JY is the first person.. she was in Horizons (Shatec students should know, well, its a Training Restaurant where we noobs learn).. fast, met up, saw her.. think a while.. well, *shrugs*, i should be forgetting abt her.. damn..

next i went to admin to pay my school fees and sIlly's too.. wah.. now in outlet no allowances still need to pay school fees.. *cries*

waiting for FQ to call me or sms me.. i went to the library.. read through the whole straits times.. she still haven call me.. i sms'ed her 2x(or issit more) then call her.. No ANS!! wahahaha.. i was damn sad sia.. lolz.. maybe she's bz *i thought* .. so i just waited..

up to 1PM.. i can't wait too long liao.. else i will be late for OCBC sia!.. so i thought of a brilliant idea!! its' me ma!! of coz got stupid ideas!! hahahaha.. i went up to the trainers office and found my 2 dearest english trainers!! wahaha.. so nice both of them are there!! (well i'm supposed to pass the english compre book to FQ)..

So, i went up to ms J. Wells.. haha.. she was sooo bz packing her things for her next lesson.. however, she still found sometime to entertain me.. so i asked if she teaches FQ's class, she said YeS.. i was like WOW.. bingo! so i requested her to pass the book to her.. and she was *wondering* *tink tink* lolz.. ms J Wells.. hehe..

Know wad.. in the evening she sms'ed me.. saying she suay suay did not bring her HP along.. and asking how i knows ms J wells teaches her.. lolz.. hehe =P
anyway, she gt the bk, tat's all i care =D

okie, i bought myself a new pen.. a pierre cardin pen.. not very ex.. hehe..

tat's all La Matt ;)
cya soon.. really..
sign off

Monday, April 04, 2005

Weekly Report =P

Lol, first week report for OCBC internship..

ok, first of all, its been really a very boring week.. and expensive transportation fares.. damn.. and all those CFBOs, can they please WORK!!!! wth.. they can just stand there and look at US WORKING!!! they can even argue back with the SFTs..even the trainers.. hell-of-a-lot..

its been fun being a bartender.. morning opening is quite stress.. since there used to be 2 bartenders for the previous batches.. but been able to cope =) cheers for me =P

about the trainers.. they're not bad.. as in attitude wise and work concept wise.. if your hardworking, welling to learn, they will treat you well.. tat's what i think =D

the food.. eekz.. i hate the food there.. but they're still edible.. still not had, but i consider my staff meal at my previous work place better.. LOLz..

ok, no more things about OCBC le.. now is comments on life..

well, one day i was back from work and was taking the MRT service.. 2 very obvious human beings boarded the train in Jurong East middle platform.. everyone was rushing in to grab the seats like barbarians.. i was slowly walking in.. hell, the train will wait for you!!
okie, the 2 obvious characters were 1: an old lady 2: a pregnant lady. as they were going into the train, there was only ONE seat left.. the old lady, well, as being old, got the seat BECAUSE the pregnant lady let her.. HOWEVER, after more than 5mins or even 10mins, no one else in the cabin offered a seat to the OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT LADY!!! hell.. is this call Singapore?!!!! a place where people are friendly.. honest.. blah blah.. hell them..
so.. after 5-10mins.. someone offered a seat to the pregnant lady.. guess who?! ANOTHER OLD LADY!!! -.- wad the world is becoming to.. inside the cabin there was teenagers, kids and 20-30s ablebodied adults seating and doesn't seem to care..

wad could i say as i was standing there watching the whole scence unfold infront of me.. idiotic Singaporeans.. (well, not all.. but MOST)

Second most irritating event that occurs to me was the use of the escalators.. the way people use the escalators in town(Raffles MRT station) and those in the neighborhood are totally different.. the government was trying to educate us to stand on the left and let people in a hurry walk on the right.. well, i can see this being practised at Raffles but not any neighboring stations..

children should be taught young such things.. and give seats to elderlys and other more needed people..

wad the world is Singapore becoming to..

God bless them.
sign off

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Happy Birthday Mulianny!!

Hey cow ger.. aka Mulianny.. Happy 20th Birthday!! dun chiong so much later u lose ur cow spots.. ;)

take care and all the best!!


Friday, April 01, 2005

a fresh hope.. a new hope..

Hope my new angel will not disappeared in front of me.. =)

Your my new hope, my fresh hope for a less lonely life..


Will post more when i have the time.
